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MATLAB® R11.1 Bug Fix

Recently Signalogic customers discovered that the distribution versions of DirectDSP software would crash with R11.1 (v5.3.1) but not R11 (v5.3). The problem occurred when external DLL functions or ActiveX objects were called.

Signalogic engineers investigated and determined that The MathWorks had again changed either the compiler they were using to build MATLAB and/or the format of external function library calls. Click here for a summarized history of e-mail exchange between Signalogic engineers and MathWorks technical support that adds some detail to the problem description.

For individual researchers and most MATLAB users, this is not a problem since all that is necessary is to recompile the external DLL and continue. But for third-parties who make products that work with MATLAB, and for MATLAB users who exchange .m programs and external DLLs with colleagues and thus expect them to work across multiple MATLAB versions, this is, of course, a big problem. In Signalogic's situation, it would have meant distributing two (2) completely different sets of the DLL and ActiveX programs used to support DSP, data acquisition, and real-time processing boards, doubling an already complex logistical situation for software distribution. And all for the sake of one bug. Obviously, Signalogic order fullfilment personnel were pressing Signalogic engineers to find a work-around and stay away from double sets of slightly different files.

The work-around turned out to be adding a small amount of Pentium assembly language code to the MATLAB gateway function that would correctly align the stack before returning from the function. The code only is activated in R11.1 or higher (presumably, until MathWorks changes compilers and/or calling sequence again). Also, a one-time per instance of MATLAB call back into MATLAB was added to determine the current version of that instance of MATLAB. Note that determining the MATLAB version is a one-time only occurrence, which is suitable for a high-performance application, such as the 100+ types of real-time processing and DSP boards that Signalogic supports.

A brief example section of C/C++ code is shown below that illustrates the work-around:

 ... excerpted section of .cpp file ...

int MatVer = 0;  // declare a global variable that holds the MATLAB version; note that under
                 // Win32 there is a separate copy of this variable for each active instance of
                 // MATLAB that attaches to the DLL

extern "C" {

// following declaration is standard for MATLAB v5.3 (R11) or earlier; for reference
see mex.h file 2/11/98

void WINAPI _export mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray*
prhs[]) {

// following declaration WOULD BE correct for MATLAB 5.3.1 (R11.1) if this is the only
version of MATLAB
// with which the DLL or ActiveX object is expected to be used; for reference see
mex.h file 10/12/99

// void _export mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {

   mxArray* lhs[1];

   if (MatVer == 0) {  // discover MATLAB version if not known yet

      mexCallMATLAB(1, lhs, 0, NULL, "GetMVerD");  // call back into MATLAB; GetMVerD()
      MatVer = mxGetScalar(lhs[0]);  // set global variable; one-time only

   switch ((int)mxGetScalar(prhs[0])) {  // typical switch statement depending on
function type



   if (MatVer >= 0x531) {  // do the stack adjustment if MATLAB version R11.1 or higher

      _asm {

         pop edi      // edi and esi typically saved by the compiler depending on
complexity of function; watch out
         pop esi
         pop ebx      // needed if any passed parameter is referred to (pretty much
guaranteed to be the case)
         mov esp,ebp
         pop ebp
         ret          // old MathWorks compiler used ret 16; new compiler expects the
calling function (MATLAB)
                      // to clean up the stack

}  // mexFunction

}  // extern C

Click here to download the GetMVer and

GetMVerD functions that are needed with the above code.

Summarized E-Mail Exchange between Signalogic Engineers and MathWorks Technical Support

Although Signalogic engineers ended up doing the work to implement the fix for this bug, The MathWorks technical support personnel were very helpful and basically pointed right at the problem. Thanks very much TMW. TMW really has very good technical support, especially when considering the large number of scientific and research users of their products who are likely to ask every possible question, in the smallest detail.

Especially Peter Torrione was very helpful and polite, even though Mr. Brower at Signalogic was not always in a good mood in his e-mails.

From: Jeff Brower ( Subject: new problem with MATLAB calling external DLL functions in R11.1 To: Shannon Cc: Jeff, Cheryl, V., Yolanda ( Date: 30 Jan, 2000 Shannon- R11.1 has a bug in calling library functions in an external DLL previously compiled for R11. MathWorks developers have (again) either a) updated to a new compiler version or b) changed the way they call exported mexFunctions from external DLLs (e.g. calling convention, number of parameters on the stack, who pops the stack when the function is done, etc). This means that a DLL developed for R11 now crashes with R11.1, unless it is re-compiled. We have tracked this down and we know what to change in our DLLs to work around and return to compatibility, but the problem is we are a MathWorks 3rd-party, and we have over 330 customers using our DirectDSP and DSPower software with MATLAB. The Signalogic software includes DLLs and ActiveX components which are called by .m functions. We would like to avoid shipping separate sets of DLLs to MATLAB customers depending on their MATLAB version; this would be a logistical mess. Two questions: 1) Is it possible for your developers to maintain a standard test DLL, in executable form, and ensure it functions WITHOUT CHANGES from one version of MATLAB to the next? MathWorks is forcing previous versions of Win32 components to change when the application changes. This violates one of the fundamental reasons why Windows supports components, and in fact does not meet Microsoft application certification standards. 2) How can a 3rd-party like Signalogic get involved in pre-release and/or beta programs, so we can see new releases BEFORE they hit the street, to give us a chance to find this type of bug and bring your attention to it? I realize that 330+ customers is a small drop for MathWorks, but it is not insignificant, and we do provide value for MATLAB customers who are using DSP/data acquisition boards from Texas Instruments, Motorola, Analog Devices, and other DSP vendors. Jeff Brower Signalogic
To: From: Peter Subject: Re: Case ID: 346528 questions - API Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 16:10:55 -0500 This is in response to Case ID: 346528 Dear Jeff, I am writing in response to your e-mail regarding MATLAB Programming. >1) Is it possible for your developers to maintain a standard >test DLL, in executable form, and ensure it functions >WITHOUT CHANGES from one version of MATLAB to the next? Of course the MathWorks tries its best to keep code maintenance to a minimum, including the need to recompile old programs. Of course, often bug fixes and improvements have to be made that alter the way a program works. The MATLAB API acts as more than just a program, however. It is an interface that many different languages and programs utilize. >2) How can a 3rd-party like Signalogic get involved in >pre-release and/or beta programs, so we can see new releases >BEFORE they hit the street, to give us a chance to find >this type of bug and bring your attention to it? Judging from your e-mail I would like to nominate you for inclusion on our R12 Beta 4 mailing list. Can you please send me your full mailing address? Thank you. Sincerely, Peter Technical Support Engineer
From: Jeff Brower ( Subject: Re: Case ID: 346528 questions - API To: Peter Cc: Loren, Dr. Roy, Jeff, Cheryl, V., Yolanda ( Date: 5 Feb, 2000 Peter- Thanks for your fast reply. >>1) Is it possible for your developers to maintain a standard >>test DLL, in executable form, and ensure it functions >>WITHOUT CHANGES from one version of MATLAB to the next? > >Of course the MathWorks tries its best to keep code maintenance to a >minimum, including the need to recompile old programs. Of course, often >bug fixes and improvements have to be made that alter the way a program >works. The MATLAB API acts as more than just a program, however. It is an >interface that many different languages and programs utilize. Peter, I'm not talking about .m files. I'm talking about external DLLs -- ActiveX and other Windows components. Who can I talk to about this? Loren or Roy, can you help us here? I want to get this taken care of directly with MathWorks rather than post it on news groups. There needs to be a solution; it is not reasonable for new releases of MATLAB to fail with previously compiled DLLs. >Judging from your e-mail I would like to nominate you for inclusion on our >R12 Beta 4 mailing list. > >Can you please send me your full mailing address? Thanks very much; it is included below after copy of previous e-mail. Jeff Brower Signalogic
To: From: Peter Subject: Re: Case ID: 346528 questions - API Cc: Cheryl Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 12:18:39 -0500 This is in response to Case ID: 346528 Dear Jeff, I am writing in response to your e-mail regarding using MATLAB. > The MATLAB API acts as more than just a program, however. >It is an interface that many different languages and >programs utilize. >Peter, I'm not talking about .m files. I'm talking about >external DLLs -- ActiveX and other Windows components. ... >There needs to be a solution; it is not reasonable for >new releases of MATLAB to fail with previously compiled >DLLs. We are not aware of any incompatibilities between release 11 and Release 11.1 for MATLAB DLL files. In general when there will be a need to recompile a MATLAB program, we are aware of it at shipping time and we will include a note to that effect in the Product's Release Notes. If possible, I would like to get a copy of the MEX file that causes this problem when run on MATLAB 5.3.1 to see if we overlooked something in the upgrade. Please send me the Original C files and the MEX command you issued in MATLAB 5.3. Also, please let me know what C Compiler you are using, the operating system you are on, and how to run your program. I have also entered you to be included in future MATLAB Beta testing. Sincerely, Peter Technical Support Engineer
From: Jeff Brower ( Subject: Re: Case ID: 346528 questions - API To: Peter Cc: Loren, Dr. Roy, Shannon, Jeff, Cheryl, V., Yolanda ( Date: 6 Mar, 2000 Peter- >We are not aware of any incompatibilities between release 11 and Release >11.1 for MATLAB DLL files. I have attached two (2) zip files: Here are some notes about the attached files: -bugtest.m calls calldll.m which calls the mtest.dll; all files are completely minimized and very short; an ultra-simple example -mtest.cpp is the source code for the DLL; again, it is ultra-simple and just does a message box which demonstrates that the MATLAB crash occurs on DLL return, after the DLL exits the mexFunction() -the only differences in and are the mtest.cpp file (two possible mexFunction() declaration lines flipped; either one commented-out or the other) and different mtest.dll files. Suggest not to unzip on top of each other since filenames are the same. The mtest.dll file included in can be run by MATLAB versions v5.2 through v5.3 R11, but fails with v5.3 R11.1 (GPF hard crash). The mtest.dll file included in can be run by v5.3 R11 and R11.1, but fails with anything earlier. So basically you have a mess. DLL files created by 3rd-parties can no longer be distributed to MATLAB customers without regard to WHICH v5.x version the customer has. The only difference in mtest.cpp that causes the incompatibility among versions is the presence or absence of the "WINAPI" attribute in the mexFunction() declaration. Based on this observation, my guess is that somewhere in changing compilers, MathWorks has also changed the parameter passing convention. It appears that now TMW has ceased to use the standard Windows "Pascal" format for exported DLL functions, where parameters are pushed in order, and have instead switched to "C" reversed parameter order. It may seem TMW has no need to be compatible with standard Microsoft DLL function calls, since you expect only MATLAB to call DLL functions, and not other Win programs. But on the other hand, you also claim Microsoft compatibility and display the approved Microsoft logos. Would Microsoft still grant this approval if they knew that TMW DLLs are non-standard? >In general when there will be a need to recompile a MATLAB program, we are >aware of it at shipping time and we will include a note to that effect in >the Product's Release Notes. I guess not this time. >If possible, I would like to get a copy of the MEX file that causes this >problem when run on MATLAB 5.3.1 to see if we overlooked something in the >upgrade. Please send me the Original C files and the MEX command you >issued in MATLAB 5.3. Also, please let me know what C Compiler you are >using, the operating system you are on, and how to run your program. See above. >I have also entered you to be included in future MATLAB Beta testing. Thanks very much! This well help us a lot in avoiding surprises where our MATLAB customers detect problems before we do. Jeff Brower Signalogic ((Attachment: MTEST_52.ZIP)) ((Attachment: MTEST_53.ZIP))
To: From: Peter Subject: Re: Case ID: 364161 Crash in ML 5.3.1 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 16:50:21 -0500 This is in response to Case ID: 364161 Dear Jeff, I am writing in response to your e-mail regarding using MATLAB MEX files in R11 and R11.1 (5.3 and 5.3.1). >The mtest.dll file included in can be run by >MATLAB versions v5.2 through v5.3 R11, but fails with v5.3 >R11.1 (GPF hard crash). The mtest.dll file included in > can be run by v5.3 R11 and R11.1, but fails >with anything earlier. I was able to reproduce these results using the DLL files that you shipped to me. It appears that in this case, a small correction in the way we handled the parameter passing stack has caused this problem. However, MATLAB MEX files have always assumed the same calling conventions. If MATLAB finds the mexFunction entry point in a DLL, it automatically assumes to use C calling conventions (caller removes variables from the stack). In MATLAB 5.3, it appears that sometimes this was improperly done, so making a function follow WINAPI calling techniques did not cause a segmentation fault. In MATLAB R11.1 we correctly clear the stack for every call. This results in the errors you were seeing. Also, I was able to get the MATLAB 5.3.1 calling technique to work in both 5.3 and 5.3.1: void _export mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { mexPrintf("Version 5.3.1 (R11.1) calling convention\n"); } %%%%%%%%%%% » mex mtest53.cpp » mtest53 Version 5.3.1 (R11.1) calling convention » version ans = (R11) %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% » mex mtest531.cpp » mtest531 Version 5.3.1 (R11.1) calling convention » version ans = (R11.1) %%%%%%%%%%%% Also, I was unable to compile the MEX files that you sent to me when I included "WINAPI" in the declaration of the MEX files that you sent: >> mex mtest531.cpp (SNIP) mtest531.cpp(56) : error C2373: 'mexFunction' : redefinition; different type modifiers D:\MATLABR11_1\extern\include\mex.h(168) : see declaration of 'mexFunction' > But on the other hand, you also claim Microsoft >compatibility and display the approved Microsoft >logos. Would Microsoft still grant this approval >if they knew that TMW DLLs are non-standard? You are correct, MATLAB MEX files are designed to only be called from within MATLAB. No other program con realistically expect to call a MEX file (mex files can actually make calls to the MATLAB interpreter / engine). Although MEX files cannot be compiled with WINAPI, the *external* DLL's that MATLAB generates (with the Compiler / Math and Graphics Libraries) for external usage are different, and should behave like normal Windows DLL's. I apologize for any inconvenience this undocumented change between versions may have caused you. If you have any more questions regarding this matter, feel free to e-mail me. Sincerely, Peter Technical Support Engineer
From: Jeff Brower ( Subject: Re: Case ID: 364161 Crash in ML 5.3.1 To: Peter Cc: Loren, Dr. Roy, Shannon, Jeff, Cheryl, V., Yolanda (, Tam ( Date: 16 Mar, 2000 Peter- >I am writing in response to your e-mail regarding using MATLAB MEX files in >R11 and R11.1 (5.3 and 5.3.1). Thanks very much for your reply. >>The mtest.dll file included in can be run by >>MATLAB versions v5.2 through v5.3 R11, but fails with v5.3 >>R11.1 (GPF hard crash). The mtest.dll file included in >> can be run by v5.3 R11 and R11.1, but fails >>with anything earlier. > >I was able to reproduce these results using the DLL files that you shipped >to me. It appears that in this case, a small correction in the way we >handled the parameter passing stack has caused this problem. However, >MATLAB MEX files have always assumed the same calling conventions. If >MATLAB finds the mexFunction entry point in a DLL, it automatically assumes >to use C calling conventions (caller removes variables from the stack). In >MATLAB 5.3, it appears that sometimes this was improperly done, so making a >function follow WINAPI calling techniques did not cause a segmentation fault. > >In MATLAB R11.1 we correctly clear the stack for every call. This results >in the errors you were seeing. Ok, this makes sense and would be an explanation for what we are seeing. >Also, I was able to get the MATLAB 5.3.1 calling technique to work in both >5.3 and 5.3.1: Right, we were able to do this also. But the problem remains that we cannot get the same Mex function to work with both 5.3/5.3.1, and earlier versions. >Also, I was unable to compile the MEX files that you sent to me when I >included "WINAPI" in the declaration of the MEX files that you sent: > >>> mex mtest531.cpp >(SNIP) >mtest531.cpp(56) : error C2373: 'mexFunction' : redefinition; different >type modifiers > D:\MATLABR11_1\extern\include\mex.h(168) : see declaration of 'mexFunction' You will need to use an earlier version of mex.h; i.e. one for 5.3 or earlier. In the example project files we sent, the reference (location) changes for the mex.h file for the two projects, but this is not obvious in the files we sent and is specific to our test system. >> But on the other hand, you also claim Microsoft >>compatibility and display the approved Microsoft >>logos. Would Microsoft still grant this approval >>if they knew that TMW DLLs are non-standard? > >You are correct, MATLAB MEX files are designed to only be called from >within MATLAB. No other program con realistically expect to call a MEX >file (mex files can actually make calls to the MATLAB interpreter / >engine). Of course nothing but MATLAB wants to call a Mex function, but what if the Mex function is embedded in a standard product, i.e a DLL, OCX, or other ActiveX component with other, standard Win-callable functions? MathWorks still has the problem of requiring people to make a non-standard DLL, thus violating Microsoft approval guidelines and invalidating the Microsoft logo published with MathWorks software. >I apologize for any inconvenience this undocumented change between versions >may have caused you. Well, we still don't have an answer or work-around. We are still in the position of having to ship multiple versions of the same product, with *slight* and incompatible internal differences, to support different versions of MATLAB. And we have add performance-degrading code to our .m toolboxes to make sure the correct library calls are made, depending on which MATLAB version the code is running under. Thanks very much Peter for your efforts. I think you have found the cause of the problem. What we will do now is implement a work-around to the problem that automatically recognizes when the stack should be cleared by our Mex functions prior to returning to MATLAB and when not. I hope this type of dynamic work-around is possible because it would keep us out of a software distribution logistics mess where our MATLAB 3rd-party products are concerned. Jeff Brower Signalogic

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