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DirectDSP Visual Basic Include Files

Following are include (".bas") files for:

Engine Manager DLL

' enmgr.bas:  Engine Manager definitions for use with DirectDSP software
' DLL call prototypes

Declare Function DSInitEngMgr Lib "enmgr.dll" () As Integer  ' initialize library 
(also done automatically by DSEngineOpen and DSAddEngMgrStatusLine)

'  enmgr DLL status

Declare Function DSGetEngMgrErrorStatus Lib "enmgr.dll" () As Integer

'  engine manager error/status window

Declare Sub DSShowEngMgrStatusWindow Lib "enmgr.dll" ()
Declare Function DSAddEngMgrStatusLine Lib "enmgr.dll" (pszText As Any) As Integer
Declare Sub DSHideEngMgrStatusWindow Lib "enmgr.dll" ()

' engine functions

Declare Function DSEngineOpen Lib "enmgr.dll" (pszEnginePath As Any, 
pszWaveformPath As Any) As Integer
Declare Function DSEngineClose Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSGetEngineUsage Lib "enmgr.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function DSExecEngineFunction Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer, 
pszCommandStr As Any, ByVal uMode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSGetEngineErrorStatus Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSGetEnginePath Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer, ByVal 
pszEnginePath As String) As Integer
Declare Function DSGetEngineWaveformPath Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer, 
ByVal pszWaveformPath As String) As Integer
Declare Function DSGetEngineState Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSSendEngineCommand Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine 
As Integer, ByVal nCommand As Integer, ByVal uMode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSRegisterEngineMsgWnd Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer, ByVal 
uMsgType As Integer, ByVal hWND As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSUnregisterEngineMsgWnd Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer,
 ByVal uMsgType As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function DSSetEngineWaveformPath Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer,
 pszWaveformPath As Any) As Integer
Declare Function DSSetEngineTemplatePath Lib "enmgr.dll" (ByVal hEngine As Integer, 
pszTemplatePath As Any) As Integer

' DSP Engine messages; window must be registered with DSRegisterEngineMsgWnd to receive

Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_CMDDATA = WM_USER             '  engine data/command queue needs attention
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_BUFRDY = WM_USER + 1          '  buffer ready
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_FLGRDY = WM_USER + 2          '  flag ready

' program status messages

Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_PROGSTATUS = WM_USER + 3      '  engine program status
 (function done, program done, etc.)

' engine status messages

Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_ENGINESTATE = WM_USER + 5     '  engine state has changed
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_FUNCTIONERROR = WM_USER + 6   '  engine encountered 
function input or setup error
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_CODEGENERROR = WM_USER + 7    '  engine encountered code generation error
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_COMPILEERROR = WM_USER + 8    '  engine encountered compile error
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_RUNTIMEERROR = WM_USER + 9    '  engine encountered run-time
 error (waveform file error, hardware problem, etc.)

' engine statistics/parameter messages

Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_BUFSIZE = WM_USER + 10    '  current buffer size
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_SAMPFREQ = WM_USER + 11   '  actual sampling frequency
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_BUFNUM = WM_USER + 12     '  current buffer number
Global Const WM_DSPENGINE_LEVEL = WM_USER + 13      '  current amplitude level
Global Const WM_DS_USER = WM_USER + 14              '  next available user-defined
 message for apps using enmgr.h

' wParam values in WM_DSPENGINE_PROGSTATUS messages

Global Const DS_PS_FUNCDONE = 0                     '  function is done
Global Const DS_PS_PROGDONE = 1                     '  program is done

' DSP engine states sent in wParam of WM_DSPENGINE_ENGINESTATE message

Global Const DS_ES_RUNNING = 32
Global Const DS_ES_IDLE = 33
Global Const DS_ES_STOPPENDING = 1
Global Const DS_ES_STOPPED = -1

' error codes

Global Const DSCOULDNOTCREATEBKGNDWINDOW = -1 '  include general DirectDSP DLL error messages

Global Const DSCOULDNOTOPENENGINE = 2         '  engine-related error messages
Global Const DSENGINETIMEOUT = -12
Global Const DSNOENGINESOPEN = -15

' possible default engine types for use in DSEngineOpen call

Global Const DS_EO_HSM = 1&          '  Hypersignal-Macro 4.x (real-time)
Global Const DS_EO_HSA = 2&          '  Hypersignal-Acoustic 4.x
Global Const DS_EO_HSMNRT = 3&       '  Hypersignal-Macro NRT 4.x (non-real-time)
Global Const DS_EO_MAT = 4&          '  MATLAB 4.x

' ExecEngineFunction constants

Global Const DS_EEF_ASYNC = 0
Global Const DS_EEF_SYNC = 1

' SendEngineCommand constants

Global Const DS_SEC_ABORT = -1
Global Const DS_SEC_IDLE = -2
Global Const DS_SEC_PAUSE = -3
Global Const DS_SEC_RESUME = -4

' RegisterEngineMsgWnd constants

Global Const DS_REMW_SETENGINESTATUSMSG = &H1    '  engine status messages
Global Const DS_REMW_SETPROGSTATUSMSG = &H2      '  program status messages
Global Const DS_REMW_SETDSPDATARDYMSG = &H4      '  DSP buffer ready and flag ready callbacks
Global Const DS_REMW_SETSTATISTICSMSG = &H8      '  DSP/analog hardware statistics/parameters messages
Global Const DS_REMW_SETBUFNUMMSG = &H10         '  current buffer count messages
Global Const DS_REMW_SETLEVELMSG = &H20          '  current data level messages
Global Const DS_REMW_SETALLMSG = &HFF            '  set all messages to one control

' structure pointed to be lParam in WM_DSPENGINE_BUFRDY and WM_DSPENGINE_FLGRDY messages

    nNum As Integer
    dwFlagValue As Long
    dwFlagAddr As Long
    hBoard As Integer
End Type

' structure pointed to be lParam in WM_DSPENGINE_COMPILEERR and WM_DSPENGINE_RUNTIMEERR messages

    nErrorNum As Integer           '  buffer or flag number
    szErrorStatus As String * 256  '  error/status string or error log filename
End Type

Hardware Manager DLL
' hwmgr.bas:  Hardware Manager definitions for use with DirectDSP software

' hardware setup file entry definition

'typedef char DESCSTR[50];                ' descriptors:  mfg, description, designator
'typedef char VALSTR[10];                 ' values:  base addresses, clock rates, etc.
'typedef char PATHSTR[144]

Type HWLISTENTRY                         ' list of valid DSP/Analog hardware entries
 discovered when reading library hwsetup.lst file

    szMfg               As String * 50   ' manufacturer
    szDescription       As String * 50   ' description:  model/name, DSP device, etc.
    szBoardDesignator   As String * 50   ' board designator
    MajorDriverID       As Integer       ' major driver classification for board
    MinorDriverID       As Integer       ' minor driver classification
    szCodeFile          As String * 144  ' current DSP program file (filename of DSP executable)
    szCodeFileDef       As String * 144  ' default DSP program file
    szIOBaseAddr        As String * 10   ' current base I/O address (in hex)
    szIOBaseAddrDef     As String * 10   ' default base I/O address
    szMemBaseAddr       As String * 10   ' current base memory address (in hex)
    szMemBaseAddrDef    As String * 10   ' default base memory address
    BusType             As Integer
    BusTypeDef          As Integer
    szProcClock         As String * 10    ' processor clock (in MHz)
    szProcClockDef      As String * 10
    szVoltageRanges     As String * 10    ' voltage ranges (should be stored as "input,output")
    szVoltageRangesDef  As String * 10
    AnalClockType       As Integer        ' analog clock:  0 = ext, 1 = fixed int, 2 = prog int
    AnalClockTypeDef    As Integer
    szMemArch           As String * 10    ' memory architecture
    szMemArchDef        As String * 10
    NumProcessors       As Integer        ' number of processors
    NumProcessorsDef    As Integer

  ' following parameters not read from file:

    CallClass           As Integer        ' calls-allowed classification
    Flags               As Integer        ' internal info used to mark pending updates, deletes, etc.

End Type

' DLL prototypes

' hwmgr DLL status

Declare Function DSGetHWMgrErrorStatus Lib "hwmgr.dll" () As Integer

' hwmgr functions

Declare Function DSGetHWMgrNumEntries Lib "hwmgr.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function DSGetHWMgrEntryIndex Lib "hwmgr.dll" (pszBoardDesignator As Any) As Integer  ' 
get index of entry matching specified board designator string Declare Function DSGetHWMgrEntry Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal nIndex, pHWListEntry As HWLISTENTRY) As Integer ' read entry into HWLISTENTRY structure Declare Function DSSetHWMgrEntry Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal nIndex, pHWListEntry As HWLISTENTRY) As Integer ' write entry from HWLISTENTRY structure Declare Function DSGetHWMgrCurVal Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal szBoard As String) As Integer ' get board designator string of current hardware value Declare Function DSSetHWMgrCurVal Lib "hwmgr.dll" (pszBoardDesignator As Any) As Integer ' set current hardware value to board designator string Declare Function DSGetHWMgrVar Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal wVarIndex As Integer, ByVal pszBoardDesignator As String) As Integer ' get board designator string from specified hardware variable Declare Function DSSetHWMgrVar Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal wVarIndex As Integer, pszBoardDesignator As Any) As Integer '
set board designator string of specified hardware variable Declare Function DSReadHWSetupFile Lib "hwmgr.dll" () As Integer ' read hardware setup file Declare Function DSWriteHWSetupFile Lib "hwmgr.dll" () As Integer ' write hardware setup file Declare Function DSShowHardwareSelectorDlg Lib "hwmgr.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal pszBoardDesignator As String) As Long ' show the hardware selector dialog ' Hardware Manager error codes Global Const DSUNABLETOREADHWSETUPFILE = -100 Global Const DSCOULDNOTLOCKHWLIST = -101 Global Const DSBOARDDESIGNATORNOTLISTED = -102 Global Const DSCOULDNOTFINDHWSETUPFILE = -103 Global Const DSCOULDNOTINCREASEHWLISTMEM = -104 Global Const DSHWSETUPFILENOTYETREAD = -105 ' DSP/analog "variables" that are referred to by source code generation; this scheme allows ' multiple boards to be in use at the same time, because each variable can be assigned a ' different hardware value Global Const MAXBOARDVARS = 14 ' maximum number of hardware "variables" that user can refer to
(each variable contains one of the board types) Global Const RE = 0 ' real-time engine Global Const SA = 1 ' spectrum analyzer Global Const ACC = 2 ' DSP accelerator Global Const DTR = 3 ' digital tape recorder Global Const ACQ = 4 ' data acquisition, waveform file record Global Const CSG = 5 ' continuous signal generation Global Const SR = 6 ' stimulus & response Global Const PB = 7 ' waveform file playback Global Const DGO = 8 ' digital oscilloscope Global Const UD1 = 9 ' user-defined 1-5 Global Const UD2 = 10 Global Const UD3 = 11 Global Const UD4 = 12 Global Const UD5 = 13 ' hardware categories that determine which calls into HWLib are allowed for each entry Global Const CALLCLASS_NODSP = 1 ' calls-allowed classfications Global Const CALLCLASS_NOANALOG = 2 Global Const CALLCLASS_NOPROCCALLS = 4
Hardware Library DLL
' hwlib.bas:  Hardware Library definitions for use with DirectDSP software

' overall constants

Global Const MAXCHAN = 8       ' current maximum number of channels
' CONVERSIONINFO structure used in high-level DSAcquireWvfrmFile and DSGenerateWvfrmFile calls



' 1) entire structure should be initialized to zero first, so that default values can take
'    effect for parameters not used

' 2) Current value in DSSetWaveformPath is used for waveform filename, unless explicit
'    path information is found in the filename

' 3) TrigDelay parameter not yet operational.

' basic information

    szFilename        As String * 144 ' [path]filename of file being acquired/generated
    NumChan           As Integer
    ChanList(MAXCHAN) As Integer ' channel list, maps physical channels to waveform traces
    Fs                As Single  ' sampling rate (in Hz)
    NumSamples        As Long    ' number of samples to acquire/generate
    DAStartSample     As Long    ' starting sample for D/A output operations
    szGainList        As String * 41 ' string specifying gain list for input channels; can contain ',' 
and '-' other characters to specify lists and ranges Offset As Long ' offset added to data (in A/D counts, can be +/-) DALooping As Integer ' enables/disables continuous D/A looping; 0 or 1, valid only
during generation (output) Monitor As Integer ' enables/disables D/A loopback when recording; 0 or 1, valid only
during acquisition (input) FileSplit As Integer ' 1 enables A/D file-splitting for multichannel, 0 disables StoreOnAbort As Integer ' 1 == store current wavefrom data on abort Frmsiz As Long ' framesize (stored in waveform header; used for post-processing only) ' real-time digital filter information szFilter1 As String * 13' filename of real-time digital filter file; can contain '/' character szFilter2 As String * 13' to allow dual-filter entry (filter files must be located
on same path as waveform) ' trigger information TrigMode As Integer ' trigger mode (0 = internal, 1 = external) TrigLevel As Long ' trigger level (in A/D counts, can be +/-) TrigDelay As Single ' delay from trigger relative to data (in sec, can be +/-) NumTrigChan As Integer TrigChanList(MAXCHAN) As Integer ' trigger channel list ' stimulus & response information szStimName As String * 13 ' name of stimulus output file; used only for
DSStimRespMeasure function (must be located on same path as waveform) StimMode As Integer ' controls stimulus usage in Stimulus/Response function StimDelay As Long ' delay from stimulus onset to start of record (+/- value) End Type ' DLL call prototypes ' DLL error handling and status Declare Function DSGetHWLibErrorStatus Lib "hwlib.dll" () As Integer ' board initialization and control functions (all processors simultaneous) Declare Function DSAssignBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, pszBoardDesignator As Any,
ByVal uBusType As Integer, ByVal wIOBaseAddr As Integer, ByVal wMemBaseAddr As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSFreeBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSGetBoardInfo Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal uInfoType
As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSInitBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSLoadFileBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, pszCodeFile As Any)
As Integer Declare Function DSResetBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSRunBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSDisableBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSHoldBoard Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer ' individual processor initialization and control functions Declare Function DSLoadFileProcessor Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, pszCodeFile
As Any, ByVal wProcessorList As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSResetProcessor Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal wProcessorList
As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSRunProcessor Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal wProcessorList
As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSHoldProcessor Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal wProcessorList
As Integer) As Integer ' memory and variable transfers, IEEE conversion Declare Function DSPutMem Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal uMemType As Integer,
ByVal dwDSPMemAddr As Long, ByVal uBitWidth As Integer, pMem As Any, ByVal dwCount As Long) As Integer Declare Function DSGetMem Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal uMemType As Integer,
ByVal dwDSPMemAddr As Long, ByVal uBitWidth As Integer, pMem As Any, ByVal dwCount As Long) As Integer Declare Function DSPutHVarMem Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal dwHVarAddr As Long,
ByVal dwHVarData As Long) As Integer Declare Function DSGetHVarMem Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal dwHVarAddr As Long) As Long Declare Function DSIEEEToDSP Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal uIEEEDataSize
As Integer, pSrcMem As Any, pDstMem As Any, ByVal dwCount As Long) As Integer Declare Function DSDSPToIEEE Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal uIEEEDataSize
As Integer, pSrcMem As Any, pDstMem As Any, ByVal dwCount As Long) As Integer ' wait-for-buffer and wait-for-flag Declare Function DSWaitForBuffer Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal nBufferNum As
Integer, ByVal dwFlagAddr As Long, ByVal uNotifyType As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSWaitForFlag Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal nFlagNum As Integer,
ByVal dwFlagAddr As Long, ByVal uNotifyType As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSCancelWaitBuffer Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal nBufferNum
As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSCancelWaitFlag Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer,
ByVal nFlagNum As Integer) As Integer ' interrogate board system parameters Declare Function DSGetBoardClass Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSCalcSampFreq Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal FsDesired As Single,
ByVal nNumChan As Integer, pnChanList As Integer, pSampFreqActual As Single) As Long Declare Function DSGetMemSize Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer,
ByVal wProcessorNum As Integer) As Long Declare Function DSGetMemArch Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSGetWordLength Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer ' get/set board base addresses, bus type, registers, etc. Declare Function DSGetBoardBaseAddr Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal
uAddrType As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSSetBoardBaseAddr Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, ByVal
uAddrType As Integer, ByVal wBaseAddr As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSGetBoardBusType Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSSetBoardBusType Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, uBusType As
Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSReadBoardReg Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, wRegOffset As
Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSWriteBoardReg Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, wRegOffset As
Integer, wVal As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSRestoreBoardDefaults Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer) As Integer ' high-level functions
Declare Function DSAcquireWvfrmFile Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer, 
pConversionInfo As CONVERSIONINFO, ByVal uMode As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DSGenerateWvfrmFile Lib "hwlib.dll" (ByVal hBoard As Integer,
pConversionInfo As CONVERSIONINFO, ByVal uMode As Integer) As Integer ' error codes Global Const DSDSPFILENOTFOUND = 11 Global Const DSHARDWARENOTRESPONDING = 10 Global Const DSINVALIDBOARDHANDLE = -50 Global Const DSCOULDNOTOPENTEMPLATEFILE = -51 Global Const DSCOULDNOTCREATESOURCEFILE = -52 Global Const DSCREATINGENGINEPROGRAMERROR = -53 Global Const DSUNABLETOALLOCATEMEMORY = -54 Global Const DSUNABLETOREADTEMPLATEFILE = -55 Global Const DSERRORINDATAPARAM = -56 Global Const DSBOARDDOESNOTSUPPORTCALL = -57 Global Const DSINVALIDWORDLENGTH = -58 Global Const DSINVALIDMEMORYTYPE = -59 Global Const DSUNKNOWNCALLCLASSIFICATION = -60 Global Const DSINVALIDBOARDDESIGNATOR = -61 Global Const DSBOARDNOTINHWSETUPFILE = -62 Global Const DSALLBOARDHANDLESALLOCATED = -63 Global Const DSINVALIDPROCESSORNUMBER = -64 ' AssignBoard constants Global Const DS_AB_PCXT = 0 ' bus types Global Const DS_AB_PCAT = 0 Global Const DS_AB_ENABLE80X86INST = 1 ' memory types returned by GetMemArch Global Const DS_GMA_LINEAR = 1 Global Const DS_GMA_HARVARD = 2 Global Const DS_GMA_VECTOR = 3 ' memory types for DSGetMem and DSPutMem Global Const DS_GM_VECTOR_DATA_X = 1 ' vector "X" data memory Global Const DS_GM_VECTOR_DATA_Y = 2 ' vector "Y" data memory Global Const DS_GM_LINEAR_DATA_RT = 3 ' linear data memory, real-time
(useful for some TMS320 series board only) Global Const DS_GM_LINEAR_DATA = 4 ' linear data memory Global Const DS_GM_LINEAR_PROGRAM = 5 ' linear program memory ' bit-width constants for DSGetMem and DSPutMem Global Const DS_GM_SIZE8 = 1 ' 8-bits Global Const DS_GM_SIZE16 = 2 ' 16-bits Global Const DS_GM_SIZE24 = 3 ' 24-bits Global Const DS_GM_SIZE32 = 4 ' 32-bits ' constants for DSWaitForBoardBuffer and DSWaitForBoardFlag Global Const DS_WFB_POLLED = 0 ' polled notification Global Const DS_WFB_INTERRUPT = 1 ' interrupt-driven notification Global Const DS_WFB_SYNC = 16 ' synchronous operation bit: combine
with type to wait for buffer to complete ' constants for DSGetBoardBaseAddr and DSSetBoardBaseAddr Global Const DS_GBBA_IOADDR = 0 ' I/O base address Global Const DS_GBBA_MEMADDR = 1 ' memory base address ' constants for DSGetBoardInfo Global Const DS_GBI_ENGINEHANDLE = 0 Global Const DS_GBI_DRIVERID = 1 Global Const DS_GBI_CALLSALLOWED = 2 Global Const DS_GBI_HWMGRENTRYINDEX = 3 Global Const DS_GBI_DSPWORDLENGTH = 4 ' result return in bits ' constants for DSDSPToIEEE and DSIEEEToDSP Global Const DS_DTI_IEEESIZE32 = 4 Global Const DS_DTI_IEEESIZE64 = 8 ' constants for DSAcquireWvfrmFile and DSGenerateWvfrmFile uMode Global Const DS_AWF_ASYNC = 0 ' asynchronous operation (default) Global Const DS_AWF_SYNC = 1 ' synchronous operation (wait for file to complete) ' identifiers which can be used in DSPutHVarMem and DSGetHVarMem calls; see Signalogic ' DSP Software Reference Guide, Hypersignal DSP Source Code Variables and Flags Global Const DSP_BOARDCLASS = &H42F ' board classification Global Const DSP_OPMODE = &H430 ' operating mode Global Const DSP_BUSYFLG = &H431 ' DSP busy flag Global Const DSP_OVERFLOW = &H432 ' overflow flag Global Const DSP_MINVAL = &H433 ' minimum value in acquisition or processing Global Const DSP_FFTORD = &H434 ' FFT order Global Const DSP_FRMSIZ = &H435 ' Framesize Global Const DSP_FFTLEN = &H436 ' FFT length Global Const DSP_MAXVAL = &H437 ' maximum value in acquisition or processing buffer Global Const DSP_RIFLG = &H438 ' real/imaginary Flag Global Const DSP_COUPLIST = &H439 ' analog input coupling list Global Const DSP_GAINLIST = &H43A ' analog input gain list Global Const DSP_FSMODE = &H43B ' sampling rate clock generator mode value Global Const DSP_TRIGLEVEL = &H43C ' analog input trigger level Global Const DSP_BUFLEN = &H43D ' acquisition or processing buffer length Global Const DSP_HOSTBUFNUM = &H43E ' current host buffer flag Global Const DSP_BUFNUM = &H43F ' current DSP buffer flag Global Const DSP_SCALEIN = &H440 ' analog input digital scale factor Global Const DSP_OFFSETIN = &H441 ' analog input digital offset Global Const DSP_WINSCL = &H442 ' frequency domain window scaling factor Global Const DSP_PHZREQ = &H443 ' hase data required Global Const DSP_DUPFLG = &H444 ' duplicate trace flag Global Const DSP_FILTADDR1 = &H445 ' filter 1 coefficient address Global Const DSP_CHANLIST = &H446 ' analog input channel list Global Const DSP_TRIGCHANLIST = &H447 ' analog input trigger channel list Global Const DSP_SCALEOUT = &H448 ' analog output digital scaling factor Global Const DSP_OFFSETOUT = &H449 ' analog output digital offset Global Const DSP_FILTADDR2 = &H44A ' filter 2 Coefficient Address Global Const DSP_MAXVALREAL = &H44B ' real component of complex data maximum value Global Const DSP_MAXVALIMAG = &H44C ' imag component of complex data maximum value Global Const DSP_FILTLEN1 = &H44D ' filter 1 length Global Const DSP_FILTLEN2 = &H44E ' filter 2 length Global Const DSP_LOGFLG1 = &H44F ' log magnitude flag, trace 1 Global Const DSP_LOGFLG2 = &H450 ' log magnitude flag, trace 2 Global Const DSP_FILTTYPE1 = &H451 ' filter type, trace 1 Global Const DSP_FSVALUE = &H452 ' sampling rate value (in Hz) Global Const DSP_PWRFLG1 = &H453 ' power spectra flag, trace 1 Global Const DSP_PWRFLG2 = &H454 ' power spectra flag, trace 2 Global Const DSP_PWRCOEFFA = &H455 ' power spectra exponential filter coefficient a Global Const DSP_PWRCOEFFB = &H456 ' power spectra exponential filter coefficient b Global Const DSP_XFERFLG1 = &H457 ' transfer function flag, trace 1 Global Const DSP_XFERFLG2 = &H458 ' transfer function flag, trace 2 Global Const DSP_MAXVAL1 = &H459 ' maximum amplitude, trace 1 Global Const DSP_MAXVAL2 = &H45A ' maximum amplitude, trace 2 Global Const DSP_NUMCHAN = &H45B ' number of analog input or output channels Global Const DSP_BOARDSUBCLASS = &H45C ' board subclassification Global Const DSP_TIMDATAADDR = &H45D ' time domain data base address Global Const DSP_RIDATAADDR = &H45E ' complex data base address Global Const DSP_MAGDATAADDR = &H45F ' magnitude/phase data base address Global Const DSP_WINDATAADDR = &H460 ' window data base address Global Const DSP_MONITORFLG = &H461 ' monitor mode flag Global Const DSP_IOMODULE = &H462 ' I/O module indicator Global Const DSP_SERIALCTRL = &H463 ' serial port control for special cases Global Const DSP_LOGCOEFFA = &H464 ' log magnitude scaling coefficient a Global Const DSP_LOGCOEFFB = &H465 ' log magnitude scaling coefficient b Global Const DSP_ADCOUNT = &H466 ' acquistion delay counter Global Const DSP_DACOUNT = &H467 ' stimulus delay counter Global Const DSP_STMDATAADDR = &H468 ' stimulus data base Address Global Const DSP_STMBUFLEN = &H469 ' stimulus data buffer length Global Const DSP_FILTTYPE2 = &H46A ' filter type, trace 2 Global Const DSP_FILTQUANT = &H46B ' filter quantization Global Const DSP_FILTUPDFLG = &H46C ' filter coefficient update flag Global Const DSP_CODECCTRL1 = &H46D ' CODEC control word 1 Global Const DSP_CODECCTRL2 = &H46E ' CODEC control word 2