CIM and Linux Development
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For the host x86 or ARM code stream, the CIM build process generates Linux executable files.
Linux compatibility provides several advantages:
In all cases above except for the 2U server, a CIM array card must not exceed a single slot width in order to be inserted in the server. This is one of the advantages of CIM arrays: thin and dense, with very low energy consumption. Signalogic CIM array cards use self-contained cooling, without large oversized heatsinks, in order to maintain compatibility with all server types. CIM arrays are designed from the ground up, based on Signalogic patent pending technology, to have no dependency on server internal airflow or other type of internal cooling.
1 "Google uncloaks once-secret server", CNET News, Business Tech, April 1, 2009.
Linux Platforms
Shown at right are examples of common Linux platforms, including: