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DSK C6711 / C6211 Real-Time High-Speed Data Transfer

DSK 6x11 board analog input display from a Visual Studio C/C++ program using the DirectDSP real-time interface

Hardware manager settings to DSK C67xx setup file

Output generated from running "hwtest2" in MatLab 7.0

  • Suitable for real-time communication between C/C++ and MATLAB programs and Texas Instruments DSK 6711 and 6211 boards

  • Replaces CCS (Code Composer Studio) file I/O functions for data transfer.  CCS file I/O functions depend on data transfer over a JTAG debug emulator link and are very slow and not suitable for real-time communication

  • Software includes a DLL that uses the PC parallel port to communicate directly with the HPI interface on the C6711 or C6211 DSP chip

    • This DLL is independent of the TI DLL that comes with the DSK, and provides improved performance and reliability.

    • One reason Signalogic created its own DLL was to correctly deal with errata in the C6711 HPI port, which the TI DLL doesn't do

  • Part of the popular DirectDSP software, uses standard DirectDSP APIs

  • Runs under WinXP. No separate driver or other software install required. Can be used independently of CCS (doesn't matter whether CCS is installed)

  • Free download at this link:
