Installing Blacktip with Software
From: Yolanda
Subject: Re: Good news !
To: Lionel
Date: 07/27/99
Hi, Lionel,
>Today, I took a PC. I uninstall its network card and I install the blacktip
>with software. I ran Dscope for an hour. I quit the program I reopen ...
>It WORKED. It seems to be a conflict with the network card. Tomorrow,
>I'll uninstall my network card and I reinstall the blacktip. I'll tell
>you if it works.
This is very encouraging!!!
If after you remove your network card from your PC and it works, then we can try
the following:
1) Turn off your PC.
2) Put your network card back into the PC.
3) Take out the BlackTip board.
4) Open your BlackTip User's Guide( which comes with your board) to page 14.
5) There, you can find configuration for different base address. The default
base address is 0x300. Change it to another address, e.g. 0x240 by changing the
jumper settings.
6) Put the BlackTip board back into your PC.
7) Turn on the PC.
8) After system reboot, run Digital scope again.
9) When the Hardware selector box comes up, select Bittware BlackTip board.
Note that the default base address is set to 0x300. Modify it such that it
matches the setting you have made in Step 5 (e.g. 240), then continue.
10) Run the demo several times for a variation of period until you are
satisfied that the board is in longer in conflict with the network card.
11) If the base address you have chosen in Step 5 still seemed to conflict
with the network card or other hardware in your PC, choose another base
address by repeating the above steps.
Good luck and looking forward to hearing more good news from you.
With regards
Installing Card with Windows 98
From: Jeff
Subject: RE: my order
To: Jim
Date: 03/07/00
>Jeff, I got the card, and installed it. Windows 98 came up and said it
>detected new hardware and wanted drivers for it. I had none, so I
Do not cancel; go far enough that it asks for a CD or disk. Then cancel.
At that point, should you check, you should see the "yellow question
mark" in the device manager list (Control Panel, System Devices, etc.)
If so, this means Win98 has allocated and reserved a "PCI slot"
for the board, even though a driver has not been fully installed according
to Win9x formal rules. Once this is true, you can run any of the DSPower
or Hypersignal
software programs as needed. These programs use a dynamic VxD which
communicates with the board at ring 0. We have found this approach extremely
flexible; it maintains full plug-N-play, but still allows the Signalogic drivers
to coexist with other drivers, should that situation come up. It also keeps us
away from common Win9x registry problems and software add/remove problems.
>Then I tried to run the demo software just to make sure the card
>was working, and none will work. I need to talk to someone about getting a
>very simple digital only program running. All the demo software is for
>analogs, and I don't have any. Who should I call? I have read all the
Please let me know if the above works.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
Installing Card Cont'd
From: Jeff
Subject: RE: my order
To: Jim
Date: 03/07/00
>I had already cancelled at the point you described. I checked the hardware
>list and the board shows up as "Other Device" with the famous yellow
>question mark. the programs still don't run. they bomb with a window that
>says it can't find c:\hsmacro\hsmacro.exe.... and c:\hsacous\hsacous.exe...
Ok, in that case, did you install the full Signalogic CD contents under Win98?
In doing so, there should be an installation dialog box that comes up and has
Hypersignal-Macro software and DSPower-HwLib software checked. After going
through the installation, you should be able to find an \hsmacro subdir,
containing the hsmacro.exe and hsmacro.ovr files.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
Installing Card Cont'd, Testing Digital I/O
From: Jeff
Subject: RE: my order
To: Jim
Date: 03/07/00
>The CD setup only had the HWlib checked. I just now ran it again, and
>manually checked the hypersignal-macro option. It loaded. I restarted the
>PC. Now all the demos seem to run but since I have no analog I/O they don't
>do anything (but I EXPECTED that...). I think the board and software are
>now running.
Ok, that is an improvement.
>Do you have any demo software that uses the digital I/O on the M44?
The easiest method is to test the digital I/O is to open one of the Visual C/C++
or Visual Basic example projects, and modify it to do a DSPutMem() function call
to send one 32-bit word to the desired memory address on the board. This
address would be the digital I/O offset specified in the "memory map"
in the M44 Hardware Manual (i.e. one of the memory-mapped peripheral
addresses from the C44 processor's perspective; when you do a PutMem call,
you are sending data to a memory location as viewed by the processor).
The simplest example project might be dscope32.mdp (Visual C/C++); you could
disable the first DSWaitForBuffer() call do the analog I/O processing never
gets started and replace this with the DSPutMem() call you need.
The next step would be to write a small C function call that does the digital
I/O and processing you need on the C44, and add it to the C44 SCI code. In this
case, you could define a new function number, for example 10, and add a branch
to this function in the file t40beg.asm. There are already checks and jumps for
default functions (or modes) 0-7; if you search on a variable called "
mode" or "op_mode" (or similar) you can find these. The
t40beg.asm code vectors to your new C code and from there you do what you
want. Note that the mode variable is set as a predefined DSP property; search
the example source code files, like dscope.cpp, for the DSP_OPMODE property.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
Sigbook: Problem Starting Demo in HSMacro
From: Jeff
Subject: Re: Problem with SigBook
To: Dave
Date: 05/09/99
>I have a Signalogic Sigbook with parallel port interface. Hypersignal macro
>RT and DSPower-HWlib software.
What is your HS-Macro serial number (it is displayed on the main menu bar when
you run HS-Macro in "user mode" instead of engine mode; i.e. click
>on its icon)?
>My problem is that I cannot start any demo provided with the software or
>lauch real time application in Hypersignal Macro.
>I always get an error saying that I/O or mem base adress is incorect.
>I tried many settings with the (Motorola EVM5630x w/ECP Parallel Port)
>witch I found to be the closest thing resembling the sigbook.
Are you still having this problem? One thing to check is to make sure your PC
is set for "EPP" mode for the LPT port which you are using
(probably LPT1).
"ECP", "compatible", or "bi-directional" settings
will *not* work.
>Could you tell me witch settings I should use when in [ DSP/Acquisition
>Harware Configuration ] and in [Hypersignal macro]
When running DSPower-HwLib software demos (e.g. Dig. Scope, Tape Recorder, Strip
Chart recorder, etc.), you should use "SigBook", which is also the
same as "Motorola EVM563xx with EPP interface". In Hypersignal-Macro
software, you should use "MOT5630x-EPP" in the first four fields
of the System Config menu, after which you should be able to run functions
Analog Conversion, Digital Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, etc.
Please let me know what is the status. From this point forward, please send
your technical questions directly to me or to Yolanda.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
Running Hypersignal Software
From: Yolanda
Subject: Running Hypersignal software
To: Ryan
Date: 05/21/99
Hi, Ryan,
Here are some more of my suggestion:
1. Reboot your computer in MS-DOS mode. i.e. when your PC boots up, it does not
go to Windows at all. I think you will have to hit some key when it first boots
up in order to boot up in DOS mode. In Win 95, you can choose to restart in
MS-DOS mode. I am not sure about Windows 3.1.
After rebooting, try Hypersignal macro again.
2. Try a different memory address, eg. change memory address from DC00 to D000
in the PC32 board, make sure that you change your config.sys file as well.
device = c:\windows\himem.sys
device = c:\windows\emm386.exe x=d000-d3ff
reboot PC. Try Hypersignal macro again.
3. Try installing in a different PC. Make the necessary changes to your
config.sys and system.ini, reboot your PC and try.
Let me know if any of the above works. if it doesn't then we will try some
other tricks ;)
With regards,
MELP Run-Time Installation/Operation/Source Code Modification
From: Jeff
Subject: RE: MELP files, SigSD4 audio module checkout
To: Dr. Majid
Dr. Majid-
Here are the required MELP files. Extracting the
correct files from the MELP product CD without source files -- but including the
high-level source files you need to have access to the MELP analysis
coefficients, or to make changes such as inserting your own real-time C
algorithm code -- proved to be more difficult and time-consuming than I thought.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
MELP Run-Time Installation Notes
1) First, unzip the attached files as follows: -----> \windows\system -----> \melp\host -----> \melp\dsp
2) You might check first to see if vb40016.dll already exists on your
\windows\system subdir, and if so then compare dates with the version contained
in If there is a newer version of vb40016.dll already on your
system, then there is no need to copy over it. The other files in
will probably need to be unzipped.
3) The attached files assume you have already correctly installed the
DSPower-HwLib, Hypersignal-Macro, and C54xx Source Code Interface (SCI)
4) There are a few files in the \melp\dsp subdir and C54xx SCI library that have
the same name. However, these files may not be the same in content; they should
not be copied interchangeably.
MELP Run-Time Operation Notes
To run, first make a shortcut on the desktop for the melpgui.exe program, which
will be located on \melp\host. Then follow instructions in section 2.1, MELP
IDE Software, of the SigC54xx Development System and Algorithm IDE Users Guide.
If you run the real-time audio check-out procedure, you will be able to verify
whether the SigSD4 audio module is working or not.
MELP Re-Build and Source Code Modification Notes
To modify real-time C code, you can change the melp_rt.c file, re-compile, and
re-link. From this file you have access to MELP analysis coefficients, which
you can use for application-specific purposes, such as speech recognition. Note
also that you have control over whether MELP analysis and/or synthesis is
performed, and also over audio setup and buffering parameters.
For detailed instructions, please see section 2.2.1, Modifying MELP Source Code,
of the SigC54xx Development System and Algorithm IDE Users Guide.
Windows ME with DSK C5402
To: c54x
From: Mark
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 11:43:35 -0000
Subject: [c54x] Re: Windows ME with a TMS320c6x ,c54, or other starter kit?
Hello all,
I managed to get my 5402 DSK running on my WinME Asus machine
yesterday after some initial frustration. The board would reset, but
CCS couldn't connect to it. Steps to make it work:
1) I set the processor speed to 1GHz instead of 1.333G, and FSB to
200 MHz instead of 266.
2) The installer only added one path to autoexec.bat, so I manually
added others, and the CALL c5000.bat. It now compiles, downloads, etc as it
should. I had the same problems with Win98 on this motherboard, so it may be a
combination of lines missing from autoexec and your mobo.
Startup Problems: Modified I/O Address
From: Jeff
Subject: Re: Startup problems
To: Brant
Date: 07/21/98
>1) Changed the I/O address on the PC32 board from 0x280 to 0x300.
Why? Please use default address of 0x280 until things are working.
>2) Installed the software and PC32 board on a Dell 486-66MHz Windows 95 machine.
>3) Edited the config.sys file, which previously contained no lines, to include:
> device=c:\windows\himem.sys
> devide=c:\windows\emm386.exe x=DC00-DCFF
>4) Modified .\HSACOUS\config.txt to set the base address for PC32 board to 0x300.
This is not needed unless you are running Hypersignal-Acoustic (HSA) software in
"user mode" (clicking on HSA icon directly). When HSA is used with
DSPower-HwLib software, DSPower-HwLib handles all I/O and memory base address
>5) Ran Hypersignal-Acoustic to create HSACOUS.CNF file
Actually, this is the file that must be changed when using a different I/O base
address or mem base address, rather than config.txt file--but again, only if
invoking HSA in user mode.
>6) Tried to run HWLib - Digital Scope Demo. This resulted in the following:
> a) It brought up the DSP/Acquisition hardware configuration settings window.
> I selected: PC32, 300 (I/O), DC00, 60 (MHz).
OK, except use 0x280.
> b) The DSPower Engine Manager Status window then appears with the
>following messages:
> background task is active; creating status window
> DSEngineOpen: now attempting to open pipe 386 VxD
> DSEngineOpen: pipe 386 VxD successfully opened
> ...there are then 4 more DSEngine lines which are partially
>hidden by an error window, which opens on top of the Manager Status window.
>It states that 'An error has occurred in your program: Close or Ignore?'
>Clicking on Ignore button then brings up the window: 'DSCOPE - this program
>has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.' Clicking on the
>'Details' button puts up a window stating that 'DSCOPE caused a general
>protection fault in module dscope.exe'.
Everything sounds like it is working, and an error in dscope.exe at that point
is a surprising and bad thing. No one has ever reported this, and there are
100s of copies out there. Can you send me the address of the error, which is
the xxxx:yyyy value shown after clicking "details" button? Have
you tried, for example, the Strip Chart Recorder Demo? Does it report at a
similar point? You will likely have to reboot after getting such an error
before retrying another demo; I suspect that things will be left "
hanging" in the system if not. Also, here are some other questions:
-Win95 or Win98? Version?
-what are your dates of files:
\windows\system\enmgr.dll, hwmgr.dll, hwlib.dll, toollib.dll
\hsacous\hsacous.exe, hsacous.ovr
-do you have any other copies of Hypersignal software installed on
your system?
>I also tried downloading the function HELLO.OUT to the PC32 and received the
>error message: 'Could not open VXD Target, Check Target Number.' What
>should I use as the target number? Presently, it is set at zero.
>One other question: the PC32 Hardware Manual has listings for dual port ram
>memory locations: 0xC8000 to 0xEF000. Currently, it is set at 0xDC000. But
>in the RED General Notes sheet, item 1. says to add 'X=DC00-DCFF to the
>EMM386.EXE line in the config.sys file. Please clarify.
Adding the EMM386.exe line prevents any resident utility or other program from
thinking the PC32 DPRAM is available for use. It unequivocally reserves this
area from being used by anything else in the system.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
DSK C5402 Installation
From: Jeff Brower
Subject: Re: DSK C5402 Installation
Date: 07 May 2001
>...we found error "I/O Address 378 not found" while installing
C5402 board...
Installation errors with devices / boards that use parallel port for
communication are common and not always the easiest thing to track down. Below
are some things to check / try.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
1) Dates of files:
should be later than 1 Jan 2001, and dates of files:
should be later than 15 Mar 2001.
2) During re-boot, check BIOS settings to:
-ensure that EPP, EPP 1.7, EPP 1.9, or EPP+ECP
setting is enabled
-ensure parallel port 1 (address 378H) is enabled
-try with both "Plug-N-Play OS" field off and on
3) If DSPower or DirectDSP software programs are giving an error 11, or "board
not found" type of error, then try low-level Hypersignal-Macro software test as
-click on Hypersignal-Macro icon
-enter suggested "best-guess" for graphics prompt and
mouse prompt
-go to "Utilities" menu (at right of screen) and select
"System Config"
-enter DSKC54XX in first four (4) fields; push Esc key
-upon return to main menu, press 'U' key (will save
settings avoid repeat of above 3 steps)
-go to "Time Domain" menu (left of screen) and select
"FFT Generation"
-enter PARKSM in first field (will auto-initialize
all other fields)
-attempt to run FFT (push Enter key with cursor on the
last field, or push Ctrl-Enter key with cursor on any
If you still receive "board not responding", "check I/O
address", or similar type of error, continue with the items below.
4) Turn board off and on. Turn PC off and on. Re-boot Win9x to
"command prompt only", change subdir to \hsmacro, enter "
HSM" (run hsm.bat file), and re-try step 2) above.
If this does not work, then try a bootable floppy disk; e.g. use a floppy
containing the oldest version of DOS you can find (for example, 6.22, or
a Win95 boot disk), and take these steps:
-turn board off and on
-turn PC off and on
-boot up from floppy to DOS prompt
-go to \hsmacro subdir
-enter "HSM" (run hsm.bat file)
If this works, then you might have a situation where an exisiting installed
printer driver or other device driver (tape backup, zip drive, etc) has
"taken over" the printer port, and is preventing other parallel
port devices from operating normally. If this is the case, you will have
to find the offending the driver and remove it -- removing could include
identifying the .dll, .drv, .vxd, and other driver files and renaming them
or moving to a save subdir.
5) Try disabling sound card in Win8x System Device Manager (i.e. select My
Computer, Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab). Also try removing any
special 3rd-party graphics drivers (e.g. ATI, Diamond, etc).
We have encountered problems before with legacy sound card and special 3rd-party
graphics drivers causing problems with parallel port access. The most recent
case was a clone PC that had Ensonic PCI sound card and ATI graphics card; both
of these drivers had to be removed for the parallel port to work in EPP mode.
6) If still no success, then try the board on as many other PCs as are
available. Any slight difference in BIOS or System Device Manager settings can
be important; once you find a working system, be sure to note these settings.
Jeff Brower
Installation Errors with Devices that use Parallel Port
From: Jeff Brower
Subject: Re: Request and Question
To: Bo
Date: 21 Jun 2001
> I tried DSK C542 Board in 2 PCs, it is working in one, but not in
the other. Both have
> win98.
> It displays information of DSPower Engine Manager Status:
> background task is active;creating status window...
> DSEngineOpen:now attempting to Open Pipe VXD.
> DSEngineOpen:Pipe VXD successfully Opened.
> DSEngineOpen:now attempting to Open engien
> C:/HSMACRO/hsmacro.exe/d/p/C:/HSACOUS/waveform
> engine startup message received
> coresel=8 C549 HPIC=1028 fEOH=0 fCBE0
> addr=512 data writ=1 data read=-67
> InitBoard status received
> engine shutdown message received.
>HPIC of the PC working is 514.
>everytime trying in different PC,value of read is different.
It sounds like a parallel port problem. Installation errors with devices /
boards that use parallel port for communication are common and not always the
easiest thing to track down. Below are some things to check / try.
>I don't know the mean of these parameters,for exemple,coresel,HPIC,etc.
coresel=8 means 8-bit interface to DSP board is detected; Ok for DSKPlus.
C549 is processor type; this is Ok since driver sees C542, C548, and C549 as the
HPIC value should be 514 for correctly initialized board, as you have noted.
fEOH=0 means "enhanced host port interface" not detected (1=detected; would be
true for C5409, C5421, etc).
fCBE=0 means that secondary cores are not enabled; only applies to dual-core and
quad-core devices such as C5421 and C5441.
Jeff Brower
Parallel Port Check Items
1) Dates of files:
should be *after* 1 Jan 2001, and dates of files:
should be after than 15 Mar 2001.
2) During re-boot, check BIOS settings to:
-ensure that EPP, EPP 1.7, EPP 1.9, or EPP+ECP
setting is enabled
-ensure parallel port 1 (address 378H) is enabled
in BIOS; often this is a motherboard device so
it is possible to turn on/off in BIOS
-try with "Plug-N-Play OS" field in BIOS set both
to off and on
3) If DSPower or DirectDSP software programs are giving an error 11, or "board
not found" type of error, then try low-level Hypersignal-Macro software test as
-click on Hypersignal-Macro icon
-enter suggested "best-guess" for graphics prompt and
mouse prompt
-go to "Utilities" menu (at right of screen) and select
"System Config"
-enter DSKC54XX in first four (4) fields; push Esc key
-upon return to main menu, press 'U' key (will save
settings avoid repeat of above 3 steps)
-go to "Time Domain" menu (left of screen) and select
"FFT Generation"
-enter PARKSM in first field (will auto-initialize
all other fields)
-attempt to run FFT (push Enter key with cursor on the
last field, or push Ctrl-Enter key with cursor on any
If you still receive "board not responding", "check I/O address", or similar
type of error, continue with the items below.
4) Turn board off and on. Turn PC off and on. Re-boot Win9x to "command prompt
only", change subdir to \hsmacro, enter "HSM" (run hsm.bat file), and re-try
step 2) above.
If this does not work, then try a bootable floppy disk; e.g. use a floppy
containing the oldest version of DOS you can find (for example, 6.22, or a Win95
boot disk), and take these steps:
-turn board off and on
-turn PC off and on
-boot up from floppy to DOS prompt
-go to \hsmacro subdir
-enter "HSM" (run hsm.bat file)
If this works, then you might have a situation where an exisiting installed
printer driver or other device driver (tape backup, zip drive, etc) has "taken
over" the printer port, and is preventing other parallel port devices from
operating normally. If this is the case, you will have to find the offending
the driver and remove it -- which could include identifying the .dll, .drv,
.vxd, and other driver files and renaming them or moving to a save subdir.
5) Try disabling sound card in Win8x System Device Manager (i.e. select My
Computer, Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab). Also try removing any
special 3rd-party graphics drivers (e.g. ATI, Diamond, etc).
We have encountered problems before with legacy sound card and special 3rd-party
graphics drivers causing problems with parallel port access. The most recent
case was a clone PC that had Ensonic PCI sound card and ATI graphics card; both
of these drivers had to be removed for the parallel port to work in EPP mode.
6) If still no success, then try the board on as many other PCs as are
available. Any slight difference in BIOS or System Device Manager settings can
be important; once you find a working system, be sure to note these settings.
DSK C542 Installation Problems
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:24:27 GMT
From: Jeff Brower
Subject: Re: DSK C542 installation problems, cont.
To: Bo
>I have suceeded to install DSK C542 in one PC,but in another PC it still
does not work. I put harddisk of not working PC into working PC ,modified files of
>CONFIG.SYS and SYSTEM.INI and autoexec.exe.but it still shows the folling error
>information :
> not enough program memory.
>Also, when starting computer,It shows the following information:
> cannot find a device file that maybe needed to run windows or a windows
> application.
> the windows registry or system.INI file refer to this device file,but the
> device file no longer exists.
> if you deleted this file on purpose,try uninstalling the associated
> application using its uninstall or setup program.
> If you still want to use the application associated with this deveice
> file,try reinstalling that application to replace the missing file.simu.vxd
I have not heard of the file simu.vxd, I'm not sure what it does.
My best guess is that the trouble PC is having a parallel port problem or other
hardware problem, and that's why it cannot communicate with the DSK C542 board.
Did you take the step mentioned in the technical support page documents of
booting up with old version of DOS, for example v6.22, and then going dirctly to
Hypersignal-Macro subdir and running HSM from there?
This step eliminates all possible Windows software problems. If the board STILL
cannot talk, then we know problem is definitely hardware. The thing to do then
would be to very carefully check BIOS settings, maybe try some things like turn
"plug-n-play OS", turn off "auto resource allocation", etc.
Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer