MP3 Research and Simulation on PCs
To evaluate, analyze, and explore the standard "dist10"
ISO source code for MPEG
audio 1/2 layers 1-3, Signalogic has compiled the ISO source code, fixed several bugs,
added .wav file support and improved command-line options, and built a sophisticated,
research-oriented Win9x/WinXP visual user-interface.
Having available in our labs a reliable, easy-to-use, and flexible encoder/decoder tool for Win PCs
gives Signalogic researchers a powerful evaluation, analysis, and test tool. For
example, MP3 tests can be conducted rapidly and results compared to those of other
platforms, for example between MATLAB simulations and Texas Instruments DSP device real-time
Some useful features of the Signalogic research / evaluation MP3 Codec:
supports all specifiable options in MPEG 1 and 2, layer 1-3
supports .wav, .tim, .aiff, file formats, and PCM format (raw binary, no header)
pre-opens selected .wav (or other format) and sets default values as appropriate (e.g.
sampling rate, number of channels)
user-override format options
includes a "Reader Tool" that displays MPEG layer 1-3 frame header information
for encoded bitstream files
"profile" save/restore; e.g. "128kbps_layer3_model2_nodeemphasis".
Extremely useful for running tests on a series of waveform files for subsequent comparison
waveform "auto list" file option, to automatically run encode/decode on a
series of files
automatic save of session / configuration information
More Information
For more information about the Encoder and Decoder engine programs compiled and modified at Signalogic, send e-mail to:
For more information about the GUI, created in Visual Basic 6.0 by programming wizard Hanzi Yang, send
e-mail to:
The Signalogic MP3 codec program is installed as a self-extracting .exe file
which will create a "sig_mp3" subdir on your PC and install all necessary files on that subdir,
plus some redistributable Microsoft DLL and OCX files on your \windows\system subdir.
MP3 Encoder/Decoder Command-Line Options
Download MP3
Encoder/Decoder program