SigC44-PC/104 DSP BoardNOTE: "This board is not recommended for new designs" - See other page examples. The SigC44-PC/104 DSP board combines the power of a 32-bit floating-point TMS320C44 DSP with up to 1.5M x 32 SRAM and high-speed, multiple I/O paths for connectivity to digital I/O, analog I/O, other peripheral PC/104 boards, or other 'C4x processors. When installed on an ISA carrier board for development purposes or host PC application, the SigC44-PC/104 is fully supported by Signalogic's Hypersignal®-Macro, Hypersignal-Acoustic, and DirectDSP software packages. The DirectDSP software provides host platform support for the SigC44 from C/C++, MATLAB, Visual Basic, and LabVIEW programs. Primary uses are in the embedded applications of instrumentation grade measurement, high-resolution control systems, radar and sonar electronics, medical systems, vibration measurement and analysis, and high-frequency acoustic and audio measurement and analysis.
SigC44-PC/104 Feature Summary
Click here to see example system diagram Click here to download Users GuideSigC44-PC/104 Software SupportThe SigC44-PC/104 is fully supported by Signalogic's Hypersignal®-Macro and Hypersignal-Acoustic software packages. In addition, both the board and Hypersignal packages can also be used with DirectDSP, which offers C/C++, Visual Basic, and MATLAB® programming interfaces, which offers block-diagram user-interface, simulation, and source code generation. Used in conjunction with the SigC44-PC/104, the Hypersignal software combination provides sophisticated DSP-based instrumentation, visualization and display of waveforms, block-diagram based automation of development and test sequences, and numerous tools for all levels of DSP product, system, and algorithm development. The complete range of DSP/math functions, interactive waveform display and editing, difference equations, filter design, and real-time code development facilities offered by the software is fully active with the SigC44-PC/104. Display examples include interactive frequency domain waterfall and contour (joint time-frequency), .WAV display, pole-zero, unwrapped phase, and group delay. Additionally, the TMS320C4x DSP Source Code Interface allows real-time code to be designed, simulated and developed for the TMS320C44, and results downloaded, tested and graphically debugged in real-time with the Hypersignal and Real-Time Composer software packages. |