SigSD8 Software Support
SigSD8 modules, when used with
SigC54xx and
SigC67xx processor modules, as well as
other C54xx and C67xx platforms such as the Texas Instruments DSK C5402, DSK C6711 and
DSK C6211 boards, are supported by Signalogic off-the-shelf DSP software products
designed for DSP-based data acquisition and C54xx or C67xx and DSP code development.
Hypersignal®-Macro and
Hypersignal-Acoustic software series, which offer a number of
simulation and real-time instrument functions. Simulation functions include DSP and math
functions, time domain display (including waterfall, contour, magnitude, unwrapped phase),
difference equation, digital FIR and IIR filter design, sampling rate conversion, frequency
zoom, wavelet transform, minimum phase calculation, and many more. Instrument functions
include spectrum analyzer, digital oscilloscope, stimulus & response measurement, continuous
signal generation, real-time filtering, continuous disk recode and generate, and more.
DirectDSP® is a Windows library which provides
low-level and high-level calls for user-defined C/C++, Visual Basic,
programs. DirectDSP includes low-level
board control functions such as reset/run/hold, register access, block memory transfer, DSP
executable file download, etc. High-level functions include waveform file acquire/generate,
continuous signal generation, and execution on afny arbitrary Hypersignal DSP or math function.
DirectDSP® includes strip-chart recorder, digital oscilloscope and digital tape recorder
demo program and source code examples.
The C54xx and C67xx Source Code Interface software
contains numerous C54xx and C67xx algorithms and functions in source and binary form,
such as optimized FFTs, filters, matrix, transcendental, trig, signal manipulation
function, board initialization and analog I/O examples, etc. These functions form the
basis of higher-level software functions and instruments; modification can be used to
customize Hypersignal or DirectDSP operation. User-defined C routine hooks are provided
for real-time algorithm development. C54xx and C67xx Source Code Interfaces can be used
as a basic foundation for user-defined real-time DSP systems and products.
VDS (Voice-over-packet Development System) software
is an integrated environment that includes numerous development, analysis, measurement,
test debug, and simulation functions for developing VoIP and VoATM systems.
The VDS environment combines both simulation and real-time operating modes. It includes
support for several types of off-the-shelf DSP hardware, including
SigC54xx cards and systems, InterWorks™ multiprocessor telecom modules, and Texas Instruments®
DSK boards.
VDS test and measurement features include both packet analysis and packet impairment.
Packets may deliberately be impaired with a variety of error types in order to debug and
measure performance of system components such as jitter buffer and echo canceller. The
VDS environment and architecture supports operation as a fully automated test system.
Individual voice and audio processing components within VDS may be configured either
as DSP software (DSP Mode, running on supported DSP hardware), or as host PC software
components (Host Mode). Within the VDS user-interface, software components can be easily
configured as DSP Mode or Host Mode in various combinations. This flexible and
interactive configuration facilitates both development and analysis phases of VoIP and
VoATM projects.
VDS includes network-side and telephony-side configuration and management. Voice
software settings include CODEC type, echo canceller, jitter buffer, silence suppression,
real-time parameters, and packet impairment test and measurement options. Voice software
selections made from the GUI directly set properties in the Telogy voice software running
in real-time on the C54xx DSP devices.